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zaterdag 25 augustus 2012

5 tips to relax and take some time off!!

So you guys will probably know the feeling that when you’re too busy with school or work you will feel like there is no time to relax.
Well here are a few tips for you guys to relax during these busy days or weeks.

Tip number 1: Invite your friends to watch a funny or romantic  movie. You will forget the busy things that happened that day or week. Having friends around will make you happy and will get you distracted. So invite them and have a blast.

Tip number 2: Take a bad with a nice sentenced oil like lavender.  Lavender is familiar for the relaxing feeling it gives your mind and body. So fill your bathtub with a lot of lavender oil.

Tip number 3: Put a mask on your face (choose anyone you like or one that suits your skin type). The mask will let your skin rest from all the stressed or busy days. After the mask your skin feels fantastic, totally rested and re-energized.

Tip number 4:  What every girl gives a good feeling is shopping. Just call a good friend and go shopping. Just buy a good outfit go to the hair dresser and buy some make up. After all these things, you will just feel fantastic and totally fabulous ( just don’t spend  the money you don’t have ;) ). And you are ready for a night out.

Tip number 5: Anyone who works or goes to school is waiting for the holidays. So plan a trip with your friends or family. With a vacation looming ahead you will feel fantastic. Go surf on the internet for what kind off vacation you want to go on and book it. 

So guys this where our tips how you can relax after a busy day, week or month at work or school. We hope you guys have enjoyed this blog. Also, look at our You Tube beauty channel for some videos and if you want some other tips or a beauty tip just let us know and we will make one for you.

~Xoxo~ Esther & Annebelle